Coffee for restaurant

Coffee for restaurant

While coffee trends tend to start in bars and cafes, coffee for restaurant continue to have increasing importance for consumers when they are in a restaurant with seating.


Nestlé Professional has partnered with Buzzback to discover the buying behavior of coffee consumers by talking to over 9,000 coffee drinkers outside the home. Details on their behavior towards coffee, drivers of choice and the role of coffee within the different channels outside the home are just some of the topics covered in this global survey. Consumers surveyed came from 17 markets, representing all parts of the world.


Consumers mainly go for a meal in a full service restaurant and the local atmosphere is very important as consumers look for cool, exciting, stimulating, trendy and friendly places. Within the restaurant, consumers typically take coffee during lunch or dinner, with most coffee occasions shared with a friend, partner or family member.


Coffee allows coffee drinkers to “bring back good memories” and to “share a moment with others” as it creates a social mood and is fun to drink.


While the meal and atmosphere are important, consumers also look for a variety of drinks in the coffee menu. Offering simple coffee does not meet changing and growing consumer needs. While many consumers drink traditional coffees, there is a growing group of consumers looking for more modern beverages such as espresso, latte macchiato, and even iced coffee inside the restaurant.


Some consumers are also looking for coffee to match food. Restaurants take advantage of this trend and are introducing custom coffees that complement and match their dessert menu. Indulgent coffee is also important as some healthier consumers are replacing their dessert with a coffee.